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A Touch of Arlon
A display of projects that can be woven in the style of the original designs ... The topic is Lilies, a symbol of rebirth, and it travels through the whole book. Here are the designs for a maximum of 35 tablets, newly designed and sorted by topic: Lilies, dogs, snakes, large four-legged creatures, birds, as well as floral and decorative ornaments will be open to expansion of your own ideas. All designs can easily be combined, and the most can be woven with less tablets. You can also weave more narrow bands. The weaving patterns are supported by basic instructions of tablet weaving, covering the basics, establishing
a circular warp and the 3/1 twill technique, illustrated by clear drawings. Additionally, there are more than 30 suggestions for border designs. (PDF)
bilingual: German • English
format: 17cm x 24cm (6,7“ x 9,5“)
176 pages, in full color
ca. 29 photos, 18 illustrations
164 weaving patterns for tablet weaving (technique: 3/1 broken twill)
more than 30 border designs (threaded-in patterns)
+ Tablets to print and cut out
6th improved edition
ISBN 978-3-948315-24-5
Note: For "A Lily Grove" there are additional translations in some other languages available. Please check "Downloads."